21 Oct Global Warming/Climate Change/Energy Saving – A Primer
Note: Global Heads meet and discuss this. Green Earth Activists (Tree Huggers for dissidents) seem to exist only because of this. Terra Bytes of Data travel across Blue Nowhere. Rain forests are being destroyed to produce tons of papers to write about it. But what exactly is global warming or climate change or energy savings? What can we do about it? We contacted Mr.Vijayasarathy, Managing Director of Vijay Energy Products Pvt. Ltd., to write a series of articles. This is the first in the series which touches base. Specifics issues on energy saving methods and their economic justifications will be addressed later. Readers are encouraged to share specific problems either by commenting here or by sending an email toinfo@smbenablers.com – Srikanth Gopalan, SMB Enablers. Now over to guest post.
Global warming is a dramatically urgent and serious problem. What is being done is not sufficient. We don’t need to wait for governments to find a solution. Every person can help by adopting a more responsible lifestyle: It’s the best method to save our planet, before it is too late.Please always keep this in mind while reading this series or anything that is said on the subject and what is being done is precious little. But, we can make a difference.
What is Global Warming?
Global Warming is defined as the increase of the average temperature on Earth. As the Earth is getting hotter, disasters like hurricanes, droughts and floods are becoming more frequent.
Factors Contributing to Global Warming / Climate Change:
Carbon-Di-Oxide, CO2 , is a greenhouse gas(apart from number of other gases) that is continually released into the atmosphere. This is a direct result of human activities resulting in increase in the average temperature of the earth, leading to global climate change. The concentration of atmospheric CO2 has already increased by about 30% since the dawn of the industrial revolution. Most of this increase comes from the use of fossil fuel — coal, oil and natural gas — for energy, and also due to changes in land use, such as the clearing of forests etc.
How does it affect the present and future generations?
- A warmer earth may lead to changes in rainfall patterns and a rise in sea level.
- Climate change in India will mean rise in average temperature, which is already high. It will lead to extended summers, as is happening now.
- Sea level could rise between 15 and 60 centimeters inundating coastal areas.
- Weather patterns have already changed.
- There is draught in some areas and floods in other areas.
- Further higher average temperatures will affect crops which could lead to large-scale food and water shortages and have catastrophic effects on wildlife.
The costs of inaction are enormous and hence urgent action has to be taken.
How you as an Industrialist or an Individual can help the situation?
First and foremost, it is necessary for you to be always conscious OF THE NEED TO SAVE ENERGY. This consciousness will lead you to take steps to reduce energy consumption (of course without reducing production), by efficient use of energy. You can get an energy audit done to identify energy conservation opportunities. For example, you can use retrofit devices available, to make sure that the energy is consumed in the most efficient manner possible.
There are enough opportunities to save energy both on the industrial and domestic fronts. Form a committee of committed persons in your industry to look for methods of saving energy
- Reduce Waste
- Reuse materials wherever possible
- Recycle materials which cannot be reused.
- Make this conscious decision for your organisation
- They save money for your company in the long run and they save our world. Techo-Economic Feasibility will be addressed in later posts.
Examples of areas where there is scope for saving energy:
These simple things will go a long way in reducing the ill effects.
- Turn off lamps, air conditioners, equipments when not required.
- Use energy efficient equipments
- Use retrofit devices to save energy in motors, lighting systems etc.
- Stop using incandescent bulbs. They are very inefficient. Use either fluorescent lamps or compact fluorescent lamps(CFLs) or LED based lighting systems.
- Buy locally grown and produced foods to reduce avoidable transportation.
- Buy fresh foods instead of frozen – Frozen food uses 10 times more energy
- Paper is one of the most wasted commodities. Paper is produced using wood from trees which results in deforestation. Avoid taking printouts where it can be avoided. Ensure that both the sides are used.
- Plant a tree – Plant trees wherever possible to absorb CO2. Further, shade provided by trees can also reduce your air conditioning bills by 10 to 15%.
- When buying a vehicle – be it a four wheeler of two wheeler look for the one with the best fuel economy in its class. Better gas mileage not only reduces global warming, but will also save you lots of money over the life of the vehicle.
- Reduce the number of miles you drive by walking, biking, carpooling or taking mass transit wherever possible. Start a carpool
- Don’t leave an empty roof carrier on your car -This can increase fuel consumption due to wind resistance and the extra weight. In case you have one remove and fix it when required.
- Keep your car tuned up – Regular maintenance helps improve fuel efficiency and reduces emissions.
- Drive carefully and do not waste fuel –
- Turn off your engine when your vehicle is motionless for more than one minute. This save money on both fuel and car maintenance.
- Check your tires weekly to make sure they’re properly inflated -Proper inflation can improve gas mileage by more than 3%.
Several other actions can be taken at industry level and individual levels.
These acts may look simple. But if we all take it seriously it will make serious change. There will be technical discussions on the subject in these pages.
For now, please remember the following.
- It is our bounden duty to preserve the earth to our children and grand children and humanity in general.
- Reversing climate change is in our hands
- Save Energy and Save Environment
- When you help in reducing energy needs, you help in reducing CO2emission. This means you are fighting climatic change and fighting environment.
Actually by saving energy you can reduce your cost of production. Some case studies will be published later in this blog.
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